Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Sincerest Gratitude and Best Wishes

Dear West Genesee Central School District Family and Community,  

Your professionalism and enthusiasm have been inspiring. I will miss all of the dedicated faculty, staff, students, parents, and community members associated with West Genesee Central Schools. My last day with the District will be August 21, 2019. In saying goodbye, I extend my sincerest gratitude and best wishes to everyone. I thank you for your support and friendship. 

It is professionally and emotionally rewarding to work closely with people who are passionate about their schools and helping others. It has become readily apparent as your Interim Superintendent that the West Genesee Central School District has a wonderful community committed to guiding the students of this District toward academic, intellectual, and social success. It has been a privilege and an honor to be part of this District for the past seven months.

Thank you for all you have done and will do for the students. My sincerest gratitude and best wishes to everyone. 

Michael A. Schiedo
Interim Superintendent of Schools